This is a 2 1/2-hour ice fishing class for all ages. School of Fish ON ICE is taught in a fast-paced environment where kids and adults learn about lakes, using sonar, ice safety and fish. They will also learn to tie a fishing knot and rig their own fishing set-up. After the class, we will eat a quick lunch, then students can test their new gear on Big Stone Lake right in front of the Bonanza Beach! Upon completion of the class, participants will leave with a Shakespeare Ice Rod and Reel, Tackle box with Northland and CLAM Tackle, School of Fish 32-page full color workbook, Fish on Ice Kids book, and a Shakespeare Fishing Journal.
Cost is $20 for Big Stone County 4-Hers and $40 for non-4-Hers.
To register call 320-839-6380 or email to receive a registration form to mail in.